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Here's what I remember about last night:

Bo called me from the Cingular phone place to pick him up. I feel compelled to help him with the fact that he has to get a new phone in the first place since I smashed his on the sidewalk in front of his house. Remember that? So afterwards, I drag Bo to Ingles grocery store to get some ingredients I need to make my world famous cider on Christmas Eve. I get home, pop a Kolonopin that Bo gave me in the grocery store and remember that I forgot the main ingredient. Apple Cider.

It�s at that moment that R0bert shows up (like how I spell his name with a zero instead of O?) and we're back to the store for more supplies. While stopped at a red light, Bo sees someone in a car that he knows and jumps out of the passenger's seat. The light turns green and he motions me to leave him there.


So I get my supplies back home and continue to pop some of my early Christmas presents from BF�s dad... Xanax. I start making phone calls for my mini-Christmas-eve party, totally distracted, while melting old candles on the kitchen stove to make new ones. All of the sudden - the wax in the pot catches on fire & flames up like 3 feet into the air. "Quick, BF, make it stop!" Well, BF grabs the flaming pot and sticks it under the running water of the kitchen sink and guess what... it makes the flames go out of control. They are climbing up my matchstick blinds, dish sponges, paper towel roll that is mounted on the wall next to the sink, and the asparagus fern that is hung above the counter. Good times. While I'm beating out the flames, BF runs outside with the flaming pot and throws it onto the grill & closes the lid. I'd like to say that the last thing I remember is pulling my FAVORITE matchstick blinds off the window and trying to repair the blackened mess � but they are ruined. I paid about 50 bucks for those things. Not much money to you maybe - but I fucking loved those things. So being a sloppy mess of pills that I was, I started crying. BF suggested that we just buy new ones, but in the last week I have managed to break my grandma's table and ruin my favorite wooden blinds.

About that time the doorbell rings. It's R0bert and Chris. You may remember Chris from the following entries "Road Trip from Hell Part 1" and "Road Trip from Hell Part 2". I refuse to let Chris in my house after those incidents (and countless others) but he seems very sober and nice & so I allow him to come in for a second. He gives me a Valium, which I immediatly pop, and asks me to stash the rest of his Valium while he and R0bert go to the bar down the street. I make it a point to show Chris exactly where I am "stashing" his precious Valium before he leaves. After I finish trying to clean the blinds, I decide that I might join them at the bar - taking BF along as the designated driver.

Let�s do a check right here. Abbey has now had: 1 Kolonopin, 3 Xanax, 1/2 Lorecet, 1 Valium, and 2 Margaritas at the bar. Abbey doesn't remember anything past the 2nd Margarita.

According to BF, Chris showed up at about 3 am demanding the rest of his Valium. Only he had re-stashed them after I put them in a safe place because he didn�t trust me. AND he didn't remember where. So fighting ensued and BF had to physically remove Chris from our house. He made a complete ass of himself, including accusing everyone of stealing his pills and threatening to fight BF. This morning when I got up to use the computer, I found Chris�s pills. He had hidden them inside our printer.


I took two out of spite. I'll leave the rest of them at our front door where Chris can retrieve them after he sobers up.



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