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Stupid filler entry...

I am so sure that you really, really want to know these things...

1. I am 24 years old.
2. I was born in the winter, I am an aquarius.
3. My best friend, and I have matching aquarius tattoos on our lower backs. There is a photo of it HERE.
4. I went to college when I was 16 & she was my first roomate.
5. I now work for that same University.
6. My middle name is Starr.
7. I was almost named "America"
8. Instead, I was named after the Beatles Album.
9. I was raised in the dirty south
10. I have a weakness for boys in backwards baseball caps.
11. I have officially moved 19 times.
12. I love banana-pudding ice-cream, vanilla cokes, and chewy sweettarts.
13. The car I drive is 9 years old, has peeling paint & ratty interior... but its paid for.
14. I love to make lists.
15. You will most likely see me wearing a black tank-top or t-shirt.
16. My newest hobby is making stickers out of mailing labels...
17. My dad is adopted.
18. My mom has 13 brothers and sisters.
19. I was in the Air Force
20. I competed in the junior olympics (gymnastics)
21. I used to coach the girls gymnastics team in my town.
22. Most of my "college years" were spent on Phish Tour.
23. I hate Phish.
24. I love to travel, though.
25. My favorite kind of music is hip-hop. NOT RAP!
26. I have been dating the same guy for almost 3 years. I am madly in love.
27. (If you knew me, that would surprise you.)
28. I have peircings. Most of which I take out everyday for work.
29. This is a picture of me 2 years ago.
30. My parents raised me to be VEGAN.
31. I am not vegan anymore. (i love red meat!!!!)
32. FYI- Contrary to popular belief, not all rastas smoke pot.
33. I used to skate. I have had stitches in my chin & head, 1 broken wrist, several twisted ankles... I wasn't that good.
34. I like to CLEAN. I think that I have an obsessive disorder.
35. I have been treated for depression, and drug abuse. At one time I was on several different prescription medications. I don't take them anymore - except for recreational purposes...
36. I was born with a "hearing problem" & spent most of my younger years in hospitals.
37. My dad calls me "loober" (I think that this means "lover"--- he lived in Germany for 4 years)
38. I sew alot of my own clothes.
39. Some of the clothes I have designed - one dress was in an "Earth" fashion show... others I have sold to boutiques downtown.
40. My parents are young & were hippies.
41. The best person in my life was my grandmother, who died in May 2002.
42. She had alzheimers.
43. I have had a lot of pets... my favorite was "Caramel" my chocolate lab...
44. Caramel lives with some lesbians now.
45. My favorite scent is "Rain". I love nag champa & vanilla.
46. I really like valiums & xanaxes.
47. I am really, really, scared of the dark.
48. I can't think of anything else to say...


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