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Well, R0bert had said that B0 was acting all "crazy", but I didn't really believe him or take concern until last night. B0 came over Wednesday night to get some "pee"... hahaha. I told him right away that they can tell in drug tests whether the pee is male or female & he argued that they couldn't - so I pissed in a Subway to-go cup & handed it to him. I assumed that he would fail his drug test because of pot... but then I started thinking. Clues*. Memories of other drug tests.

* B0 has always smoked pot constantly, day in and day out. He has also had weekly piss tests for the past two years. His usual routine is to drink a gallon of water and a pint of cranberry juice the night before his test. So why is he so crazy-obsessed with getting someone else's piss? Hmmm... maybe because there is SOMETHING in his system that you can't wash out with water?

Then B0 called my cell at 6 am yesterday morning just to ask "Whatcha doing?"... UH, SLEEPING???? Then he called BF at work to ask him for pee. (This is funny because there is no telling what is in BF's urine) It's also a little bit funny that he LOST my pee. Hahaha... He lost it! Awesome. Then he left a bunch of incoherent messages on my cell phone - some of them sounding like he was half-crying or half-sleeping. When BF got home from work yesterday evening he told me that he had swung by B0's apartment to find R0bert and walked in on some weird vibe-thing. Some girl with rotten teeth spaced out on B0's sofa while B0 was laying on the floor babbling like he was straight out of a mental institution.

I KNOW that he's using dope again. I know it, and it fucking makes me sick. I don't know what to do or say to make things better. I don't even know if there is anything I can do or say. This guy was once my best friend - this guy was once 12 years old with me - this guy is fucking up everything he could ever have.

It's not like he's just a junkie. He's a convicted felon three times over (all drug charges). He's almost lost his arm to infection. He's cost his parents at least 100 thousand dollars in treatment. He's self-centered and needy.

I have given and given and given till I'm all "given" out. Fuck it.


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