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A quick note about this entry full of grammatical/spelling/logical problems... i blame it all on the "Vicodin". That's right.

Why can't I stop eating them? Because they are good.


I think that my crush on SM is over... last night I TRIED to help him with our project that is due today & it started to dawn on me.

He finally returned my phone call I borrowed the BF's car to drive to SM's house late yesterday evening, though the silent protest of BF who questioned my motives. Even I started to question them myself at some point during the visit.

Anyways, when I got there (at SM's house) I had to wait through him trying not to watch the Simpson's, him smoking a joint with his roommate, and some kind of LONG-ass irrational phone call in which he said "I feel like I'm playing with my brother's kids!"

He said to me: "it's too bad you don't smoke pot anymore" (When did I ever, really?) Cause this is that sticky shit!

And so like 2 hours later he was ready to look stupid as I explained the program to him. I was honestly trying my best not to sound angry as I spoke.


Tommorrow morning I go in for X-Rays & then start my preparations for surgery. I am not supposed to eat anything after midnight tonight and then I can't eat again until Thursday night... That's 48 hours, people. But I am happy that this is probably the worst part (Well, maybe not the WORST part, but still pretty bad) of the whole thing because I will be given lots of sleepy-time medicine starting Thursday morning.


BF & I started planning our vacation this past weekend. I went ahead and booked a week's worth of hotel and made arrangements to take off at work. But then -- Suddenly our romantic vacation has been commendered by BF's dad who invited himself, Chip, Kenny, and Kenny's little brother. I don't know how they expect me to spend a relaxing week on the beach while sharing a tiny hotel room with 5 men. It just pisses me off.


We had an earthquake this morning. It's weird because I live in Atlanta & we just don't have earthquakes. Ever. The weirder thing is that it woke me up, decided that it was my washer gone off balance (at 4 in the morning - yeah, like I would be just washing clothes in my sleep...) and went back to sleep. When I turned on the news this morning they were all raging about it.


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