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What is it about memory? Mine is like random photographs (clips) sound bites, flashes of color, smells... never a full memory of anything. And sometimes when I'm having a very ordinary day (like yesterday) I wonder if THIS will be the one random moment that burns into my memory.

My first memory of This Town is being at the farmer's market in March, stepping out of my car onto the pavement, smelling that hot-pavement smell. Why that? I don't know. And there are a million of those seemingly insignificant instances that are remembered above other life-altering events. It's those moments that flash back to me in the quiet.


There is a lady outside the building that I see from my window. She's been sweeping that same spot on the sidewalk for the past 30 minutes or so.


BF's drinking is really starting to get to me. I hate the way that he acts when he's had even just a couple...

Not to even mention the wreck of a car that is parked in our lot, a constant reminder of his drunken antics. Or the clinking of bottles as the trash is being taken out - strewn bottle caps all over the apartment and sometimes in the bottom of the washer.

Guessing that in my old age I've become intolerant of immaturity and in my quest for rehabilitation have become intolerant of those who still indulge.


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