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I know it's been a couple of days. My doctor started me on a medication for ADD which is also to treat mania. So far, I feel wonderful - but this is only the second day. I feel a lot more focused and rested. Up for anything.

Which is why this morning when the big "tour de whatever" came through campus and everyone locked up thier offices to go watch out on the front lawn, I just left & came home. Mainly cause I just started the flow & wanted a swiss cake roll & a cigarette... but also because it's quiet here during the day and I miss that from when I was off for that two weeks.

BF has not received a paycheck in three weeks. Our finances are looking quite intimidating... bills are piling up, food is not getting purchased, fun is not being had.

He is supposed to get paid today (hopefully) because the church that he is working for (re-covering the pews with new fabric) is supposed to write him a check. Let's just hope... HOPE.

Meanwhile, since I decided that I'm quitting my job, I cannot stand to be there anymore. I can't wait for the days of sleeping longer and reading for my classes. I can't fucking wait.

I don't know if I mentioned that B0 got out of jail and is a lucky sonofabitch. Mommy & Daddy's money was yet another factor in his "luck".

BF has been working late everyday this week & I have been eating Xanax and crafting.

I shall have to post more dumb pictures.


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