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I'm SO TIRED. I don't understand it. I have done absolutely nothing for a week and a half, and I feel exhausted. And weak & I'm losing weight.

Rowley said that was "normal" for someone with my "condition". *cough* Whatever.

I actually told him (when asked if I was ready to go back to work) "Hell, no." Then laughed, as he did and sat back more comfortably on that sofa. He also asked me what the most stressful aspect of my job was and I answered that it "was fucking boring". That also made him chuckle.

If I can make my psychiatrist laugh, I must be okay right? Or at least someone is laughing, right? Right? AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

This entry sucks too - I'm starting to sound all livejournal up in here, which is not my intention at all. I will take a short break in which I will not write asinine entries about my stupid day.

I'll be back when I have something of interest to say.


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