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I'm still out of work. Yay?

Saturday afternoon we decided to skip the nuptials and head to Lake Lanier (a couple of hours north) to Lola & Jamie's new house. It sits in a cove, completely out of the "main drag" of the river (chattahoochee), and the water is calm & clean there. They have a floating dock & lots of flowers and plants. It was peaceful and perfect. Too bad we got there at 10 pm, too late to enjoy the lake because of the temperature dropping off after the sun went down.

We had to make a detour at Kenny's house because someone had mistakenly called to inform him that his mother was DEAD. In fact, it turns out that she is very much alive with a broken hip. Some dumbass almost caused Kenny to go off the deep end & jump out of his third story bedroom window. For pete's sake, get the story straight people.

My situation is the same, I guess. I spent a lot of money this past weekend on random craft/house things which is bad but it made me feel better. I will see Lydia today at 3 and Rowley tommorrow at 4:30... after that, I should be released for working.

I'm just gettting used to sleeping late & doing whatever the fuck I feel like doing.

I gave BF one of those Abilify pills last night because he was curious as to what they felt like. Needless to say, I don't think he liked them very much. He thought he was going to get high or something, and instead he (quote) "felt like shit". Hahaha. Now at least he can sympathise with me & my meds.

This entry sucks.


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