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I tried to take a sick yesterday but ended up going in for a little while because of the endless amount of work that I have put off all week long. I kept trying to leave but things kept "happening" and the effing phone kept ringing. Good thing though, as I was about to leave my boss called from somewhere in California to check in and I almost didn't answer it. BUT, I did.

Oh and I just figured out that I have only $120 in the bank and rent is due monday. Does anyone have about $400 that I can borrow until next friday? Pulease???? Hahahaha. Didn't think so.

BF's sister and her two raging preschool children are here for the weekend. Not at my house, but at BF's dad's... I feel sorry for him because we only had to suffer for a couple of hours last night. Before we went I gathered all the plastic bracelets, sunglasses, and various toys that I had in the closet to give them. Kids don't care if you spend money as long as they get stuff.

I decided that if I do have a child that it will be the only child I ever have. I mean, I don't know how BF's sister does it with a 4 year old and a 2 year old running around, into everything, asking questions, crawling all over you. No wonder she looks so much older than I am even though she's the same age.

I ate a handful of Valium before we went so I was able to handle it a little better - however, I was STILL getting a little irratated as the night went on. His neice, Logan, asked me more questions than I have ever been asked in less than 10 minutes.

When we got home, BF drank himself silly and invited Kenny over to help him. I was under the impression that when I went to bed that Kenny was staying the night on the sofa. However, at about 3 am there was someone banging on my bedroom window (he said he'd been doing it for 45 minutes) to wake me up & let him back in. Then when I woke up this morning, he was gone.

I have been ignoring Les & Michelle2's phone calls for the past few days because they make me nervous when they come over. All scratching themselves and babbling... Les & Michelle2 are actually both different people than Tim & Michelle to avoid confusion. Michelle is a meth-head, while Michelle2 is a herion junkie. Isn't it funny how they are both named Michelle? Does this mean that every person born with the name Michelle is automatically doomed to become a drug addict? So many questions... hahaha. I like both of them but can't handle them for more than an hour or so. ESPECIALLY Michelle2 who is way too hyperactive to actually be a junkie. It doesn't make sense at all.

I need new friends.

Nikki, I do have a LiveJournal - but I swear you don't want to read it. If you do, my username is abbeystarr (my name). It's totally a watered down, G-rated version of Scarydoll that I write to keep in touch with my dad, step-mom, and step-brother in Florida. I spew the same crap as I do in here but without the profanity or the drug use or the blantant drama that is my real life. Hahahaha. I keep this journal as an actual account of my real life and that LiveJournal is for the purposes of telling my family how I'm doing. You've been warned. I'd like to read other people's LJs though if you have one leave me a note or something if you want to.

I also have another diary that I've mentioned in here before - betterbent.diaryland.com - where I write random thoughts. It's not so much detail as here because it's more of an actual attempt at writing thoughts instead of an account of my daily life.

Anyway. That is all. I have a busy weekend to tend to...


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