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This new medicine is turning me into a raging bitch. I barely sleep AT ALL and to top it off I can't DO ANYTHING while taking said medication. Oh, yeah... it also has "sexual" side-effects. Joy. I lay awake lasst night waiting on BF to get back from his DJ thing, listening to the hum of the space heater. For like 3 hours.

It just sucks.

In about 20 minutes I'm supposed to be at Rowley's for a checkup about the meds. Then after Rowley's is my weekly Lydia session. I was talking to Cori at lunch today & turns out that she was once on the same medication and suggested taking it in the morning as opposed to before bed. Soooo... I imagine that is the same advice that Rowley's going to give me. Here's $200 bucks, tell me something I already know & thanks in advance. Why is the world of psychiatry so fucking expensive? You go to any other normal doctor for under half of that $200.

We got BF's bill from the emergency room - hahahahaha... $1900. The catskan alone was a grand. More money down the fucking toilet for some doctor to tell us something that we already knew - BF's seizure was drug induced. Thank you Doctor Obvious.

I'm more nervous to go to this appointment with Rowley because he's this old man that walks with a cane & smells of cigars... much like the professors that I work with all day long. It's unnerving, like I'm telling all my secrets to my coworker or something. There is something that I lied about last week though, and its been eating me to set it straight. I don't even know why I lied because it was so fucking simple to tell the truth.

Lydia says that lying is a reflex. I don't know.

So here I go - $200 in hand.


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