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Carlos, my GRA, has been here all day without a single mention of the fact that today was his birthday... I love birthdays. When it's my birthday, I tell everyone in sight (though that may be stopping soon now that I'm getting older and less excited about birthdays) and pretend like everything is all good.

Anyways, I emailed the staff in the building and asked that they send him an email or something. He is an international student and just moved here from Columbia so he has really nobody to celebrate anything with up here. I found a card (I keep extra ones in my desk drawer) and gave him some money -- he was thrilled. The secretary upstairs gave him a couple of dollars & a card also. He tried to hug me but it was awkward because it is customary for him to kiss people on the cheek also.

You just don't do that around here. (hahaha) Seriously.


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