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I say, "fuck spell-check from now on."

Yesterday I finished off my stash of xanax and drank an entire box of black-peach Stash tea first thing in the morning. I was all ready to begin doing nothing around the house when BF came home from work early in the morning. He said that his throat was swollen and he had a fever. Great. He doesn't have any medical insurance and so I took him and my credit card with me to the doctor's office and the drugstore to fill his prescription. Then the fucker says that the medicine makes his stomach hurt, so he throws them in the garbage. Wonderful day. I bet it's not long before I get the "sickness" too.

I was checking my calender software on the University's server at about noon when I read that I had somehow made an appointment for therapy at 3pm. Double fuck. I showed up (rather than pay the $50 missed appointment fee) and told Lydia that I was cured and I didn't see the point in having any sort of therapy. We talked about it for about 15 minutes and then I excused myself to the restroom... when I came back I told her I was leaving. No future appointment nessesary.

I probably will go back sooner or later but on my fucking vacation, I'd rather do my own method of therapy which includes pills and wine.

Then last night in a fit of "I hate my curtains", I decided to go to the drugstore and buy a couple of bottles of Rit Dye. Red and Yellow make orange, right??? No. They make pink. I have pink fucking curtains.

So then I drag R0bert all over town looking for more dye and decide on Scarlet. So now I have Hunter-vest orange curtains in my livingroom. Fuck it. I'll take pictures.

I stopped by CLay & Lara's apartment too. I was all pilled out and loving (as I always do) to take photos of thier place. It's so cool in an artsy kind of way. Clay agreed to "sell" me a couple of his paintings which I will post pictures of in a little while.

My life is so VERY ordinary.


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