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I just got off the phone with BF - he's at work, and I am wasting my Saturday on the computer. The conversation is all about going to the Honda dealership after he gets off to look for a car. Here he is talking to me like I am a BABY that knows NOTHING. "Goo-goo, gah-gah"... Surely after 25 years on this planet, I can use my good sense to purchase an auto-mo-bile? It's not like HE is helping any... and his idea of help is just telling me stupid stuff that I already know and laughing at my "dumb" questions. So what, I am a girl and I don't spend my spare time fucking around with cars. So what, I don't care about horsepower or bullshit like that. That apparently makes me "naive" about cars.

And so he continues to talk to me about stuff that I don't understand or care about. And he continues to give me condescending advice about making deals.

Yeah. Like I'm the one that can't even manage my own money, or have my own checking account. Yeah. I'm not trying to hear advice from a boy that can't remember to wash his own ass once a day.


By the way, THIS is a good entry.


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