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I bought $30 worth of candy for Halloween - enough to fill a big cooler (which is where I stored it) and never got to hand it out.


I started to get sore from the accident yesterday around 5 pm. That's probably about the same time that those Xanax completely wore off from the morning. I got so angry about the whole thing. That old bastard hit my car as I was backing out of my driveway, then proceeded to curse me to every whore/bitch/slut that he could think of. WTF? If I hadn't been in shock I would've done more than told him to "shut his damn mouth"... I would've probably kicked his false teeth down his throat.

And I get upset about my passive agressive nature. I use words a lot instead of punches or whatever. I save the physical violence for when I am alone in my bathroom on Halloween night punching the back of the door.

BF's dad found out yesterday that he only has a short(er) time to live. I mean, we all have a short time here - but it's different when you know about it. I spent my Halloween night at the grocery store buying BF's dad some groceries & supplies. He can't move off the sofa. He has some sort of heart failure.

And as much as I have bitched about him in the past, I would hate for anything to happen to him. It would kill BF. It would possibly change him, like it changed my father when his mother died. Or like it changed my mother when my grandmother (Mamaw) died last year.



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