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When I have more time I will have to write about my evening at Michelle's house. For now, I just want to bitch about apartment hunting.

My boss left on vacation Friday morning and so I found myself on the phone for most of the day trying to find another apartment for when my lease is up next month. I love my �charming� and �historic� house. Hahahahahaha, that�s what the ad in the newspaper said last year when I decided to rent it. Turns out that by �historic�, my landlord meant that this house (that was built around 1918) is �old as hell� and makes funny noises and nothing works because it�s fucking rusted. And by �charming� he obviously meant that it was �infested with large, flying roaches� and other rodents that have built a nest in my fireplace and which he refuses to do anything about. Another thing that sucks is the lack of air-conditioning, which I knew about when I moved in�. but STILL!

So anyways, I am actively looking for a new place & it�s the most stressful thing in the world. Every place I call asks the following questions:

Are you a student? (Gotta be careful when answering this one. Though I am technically a student because I take night courses, I am really not the traditional college student. A lot of these rental places will HANG UP the phone if you say �yes� to that question.)

Do you have any kids or pets? (Again, a lot of these places don�t want any children around. Same for pets.)

Who will be living with you? (This is the most FUCKED UP of all the questions and you also have to be careful about this one. One old man told me that he wouldn�t allow the BF & I to �live in sin� in his rental house. Can you fucking believe that?)

And the questions only get more personal from there. I swear to� why does this have to be so stressful?


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