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I can't help but look back on the entry I made before vacation. It was a little dramatic.

I feel different this week - I guess I needed a few days to... whatever... in different scenery.

Sometimes I think everything would be okay if I were still traveling. I was always happy. Always waking up somewhere different.

Now, I know before I open my eyes that my day will be filled with uninteresting moments that all connect into a race to the weekend. Spending most of the day wishing it OVER. I never used to wish one day away, they all seemed so short.

There were crazy moments at the beach where I considered not coming back. We passed a college on the highway... I seriously considered going inside & filing out an application for employment. But then I knew that's not how I really wanted it. I would just turn into the same person working the same job with the same problems. Only tanner.

It wouldn't be that hard to move because my dad lives there & I would at least have some sort of start. Then again, BF would NEVER move. EVER. He just fucking loves this city so much - loves his 'diddy' so much - loves his job so much - AHHHH!

Sometimes I want to pop him in his damn eye & scream "You LIKE *that*?!? Huh?!!! You little fucker, you love it! Fuck you in your happy little browneye!"

But I can't resent the fact that he is content with his life. I should be happy because he is.

We've hit a bit of turbulance lately... I chose the sofa over the bed Saturday night. I let him get mad without an apology. Am I just trying to evolve? Or am I being stupid.


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