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Did anyone else know that if you put this:


Inside of the little < > thingies in your diary code that it won't show up on search engines? That, my friends, is a GOOD thing.


BF had another band practice last night (the last practice before the show on Saturday) which gave me a chance to do some stuff that I have been meaning to do.

First off, I decided to ditch class. I mean - I got in my car and drove towards school but then stopped at the Marathon (or was it an Amoco?) to get a Dr. Pepper & decided that I would like to drink the Pepper at home. Yeah. So then I decided that since I had a Pepper, I should use it to wash down a couple of Xanies... or three. Then I cleaned my house like a crack head. Vacuuming, dusting, scrubbing, laundry, dishes -- the works, man. And since I was all medicated it seemed more fun than usual.

I shall have to remember to do that again sometime.

Needless to say, I passed out sometime between 8 and 11, fully clothed. I don't know. It was super hard to wake up this morning & I was still sleepy up until my lunch break today.

Ahhh. But it's better now.

The BF and I haven't had a fight since last week - which is some kind of record. I am actually looking forward to him getting home today. If you know what I mean. Ha!



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