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"What if the hokey-pokey IS what it's all about?" - a bumper sticker I saw in traffic yesterday

I took the long way home from work last evening - in the pouring rain - with the intention of rinsing the pollen off my car. How fucking lazy am I? Or is it cheap? I mean, thrifty. The Cowboy's jacked the prices of their carwashes up to $6.00. And that's not even the fancy wash with wax & a blow-dry, it's just the plain old "hose down".

So I got my "hose down" for free & then I spent an entire paragraph bragging about it. I am soooo lame!

And can I just ask WHEN THE FUCK Atlanta became so rainy & effing COLD in May? I know that mid-60's aren't really cold to some people (the kind of people who have actually seen real live snow), but here in the southern US, it should at least be a sweltering 92 degrees or so by now.


I passed out on the sofa sometime last night between Judge Mathis and Will & Grace, missed American Idol, and got a wicked cramp in my neck. Sauza Tequila had nothing to do with it. I REPEAT, NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!!! I ended up getting over 11 hours of sleep (in a row - VERY rare) and yet still feel extremely sleepy at work today. I vaguely remember BF carrying me to bed during the early morning hours - roughly, I might add. Then the next thing I know it's 6:30 am & 'time to make the donuts'. I rolled over, put my face up to BF's ear & politely asked him to wake up because I had a very important question. "Hey, BF - Did Ruben win or what, man?"

BF grunted and pulled the sheet over his head. Then he kicked me in the knee. He wasn't answering some early morning, American Idol-style pop quiz. I had to damn wait till I got to work & look it up my own self.


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