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All at once in my head:

BF and his "band" had their first "gig" last night.

Of course by "band" I mean this group of 5 guys who mostly argue about what to play & drink massive amounts of beer instead of actually playing anything. And by "gig" I mean that it was open mic night at The Corner which is a local coffee joint. So- I guess what I am saying is that I don't take them very seriously at all, though I think they are all very talented. Especially my boy who can play any instrument - and write incredible songs.

Anyway, they had to wait around for their turn which was at 10 pm and THAT is like way too late for me. Especially on a weeknight. If fact, I was out at about 9:30 and didn't even stir when BF came in later in the night.


I'm glad that he is actually out of the house for a couple of nights a week practicing or whatever they do. It gives me time to read & watch girlie movies on lifetime... not that I LIKE doing those things, but if I did want to then I could. Without harassment from BF or his friends.


I was more than a little peeved (furious) when I arrived home to find Chris on my computer looking at semi-porn and tried to act cool (not furious) as he spilled cigarette ashes all over the keyboard. And then there was Kenny sitting on my sofa, eating Krystal burgers & drinking a 40 - oblivious to the mustard dropping out of the little box onto my carpet.

Oh, dammit. Dammit. Dammit. I am so obsessive about tidiness that it pains me to see my house in such a disarray. Luckily for them, I was too tired to bitch about anything.


This weekend is Tracey's wedding. It's supposed to rain all freaking weekend - and she is still absolutely intent on having this thing outdoors as planned. I say, let the open bar (I mean FUN) begin.

I can't wait to get away this weekend & drink with my old friends. It should prove for some interesting stories here...


I can't decide whether I would like to go see the Matrix 2 tonight with BF, Chip, & Amber - or - whether I should stay home & do laundry, study, and sleep. The laundry is pretty bad... I didn't have any clean undies this morning so I went without. Thought that everyone would like to know that.


I can't bring myself to work on my Visual Basic project that is due Monday. It's like I just can't do anything unless it's the last minute. I won't be able to concentrate on that until Sunday night.


And I guess that's all.


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