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This is the truth. All of it.

BF's dad let me take his Lincoln to the city on Friday... (zippin around the corner in that golden stanky lanky) which feels much like driving a small boat.

So my dumb ass ended up eating 2 valiums before I finally left to go to the DMV on Friday in the Lincoln. Then, at the DMV, everything was happy and shiny. However, I wasn't too happy later when I discovered how fucked up I look in the photo on the front. I didn't really feel fucked up either - which is why I ate another one as I left the parking lot.

When I arrived at Tracey's apartment, (bottle of wine in hand), I discovered that I was the first one there. No problem, I thought, that just makes "more wine for me!" So I proceeded to get way drunker than I normally would because of the valiums that I had been eating earlier in the day & yeah, maybe I shouldn't have eaten so many... But I did.

So, Tracey had invited about 8 of our friends - my phishlovinglonghairedpotsmoking girlfriends from back in the day, and a couple of other girls that I didn't know. We had no definite plans except to hang out for the night at a local bar & do shots.

I think somewhere between my 3rd and 4th Long Island Iced Tea, I lost all 'volume control' and started 'forgetting'. Forgetting that my glass was already empty or that I already had a cigarette lit, or that I was in this world at all. I knocked over at least 2 drinks, while one of them went all over Tracey's jeans. I then cursed at this dude behind us that kept touching my shoulder. I mean I was so wasted that I called BF and his dad to tell them just how drunk I was.

Ring, Ring, Hello.

"Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyy! Hehehe!" says I.

"Are you drunk?" asked BF's dad.

"As a motherfucker!" I answered.

We left the bar with every intention of going to "Swinging Richards" which is a strip club on the other side of the city, but we made the mistake of stopping by Tracey's apartment to 'pee'. Nobody made it back out of the apartment that night.

They (the other girls) starting smoking a few rounds right before I passed out. And then I guess they probably smoked a couple of more. I was out almost as soon as we stepped foot inside Tracey's apartment. How fucking embarrassing that I then woke up the next morning fully clothed in an armchair with the worst hangover I have ever ever ever had.

Hey - At least I was clothed.


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