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Dammit!!! My entry just disappeared. Here goes again...

So much to say, so much happening in the past two days. I will break it down into a list. A very nice, organized list.

1. As we all know by now, Tracey is getting married next month in the mountains. This is exciting for at least a couple of reasons - namely the following two: "open bar" and "mountains". We are all renting out cabins to stay in that weekend of the wedding, which should make for very interesting tales later on in here...

But for now we will just have to wait for the bachelorette party that she is having this Friday night! And yes! I am way too excited about this! Notice the over-use of exclamation marks! It's just that Tracey can (and does) drink more than I do & plus she is super dramatic & always gets me into some sort of 'capers'. I swear we are like the extremely alcoholic, non-hillbilly version of Thelma & Louise...

2. I talked BF into shaving his pubes because I told him that I thought it would be super-sexy. PS. I don't really think its sexy, I just told him that to see if he would actually do it and HE DID. Now he is itching like crazy as it grows back.

3. I made up for the above meanness by ordering BF a pair of those new converse one-stars. When they came in the mail yesterday I opened them up, laced them, and hid them inside his closet. Why? To prove a point - that he needs to clean that motherfucker out.

4. Yesterday in class, this super-creepy older dude sat down next to me. He asked me about a half-a-million questions about stupid shit. It was blatantly obvious that he was hitting on me. Especially when he asked me to help him study this weekend. As I was sitting there trying to mentally block him out, I noticed that he was wearing a fucking wedding band. I asked him if he was married and he replied "Not happily." What a fucking dirty dog!

5. BF and Kenny both agree that I have a "Kelly Clarkston" booty.


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