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First I would like to point out that this is my 200th entry. REAL Special.

Begin rant --- >

I'd like to say that today was a pretty good day... and besides an awesome lunch, that would be an effing LIE. It's rainy and its supposed to rain all week. It's chilly and its supposed to get colder. I ran about campus like a crazy person today in the chilly rain.

I got volunteered (read: tricked) into going to the humanities building to pick out an utter piece of crap that my building will buy from the University�s art department. My fucking GOD. I mean, I was once an art student here & I realize that during the senior seminar you put your shit up for people to hopefully buy. Maybe it�s not even your best stuff but it should be representative of your style, your talent, and your soul. And to sell a piece of work for a couple of hundred dollars is - for a struggling art student - like a fucking wet dream.

But all charity aside, (And I do mean charity, like who cares that most of these paintings/drawings end up in the hallway of some academic department forever gathering dust), art should be ART you know? And not all were shit; a couple of pieces were decent � but of course, already sold. The rest looked like a bunch of pretentious hippie finger paintings.

And I ask you this diary--- WHY did I struggle to JUST TO effing pass "Life Drawing" or "Intro to Oil Painting" when apparently they let any retard that can hold a paintbrush graduate with a BFA in studio art & sell an ugly-ass painting for $500? I mean FOR REAL! Since when did this shit pass for �art�?

I could cover one of my ass cheeks in red paint, stick a banana up my ass, and play slip & slide all over a canvas too. It would probably look much more interesting than some of the garbage in the gallery. Plus I would only charge about $200.

End rant --- >


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