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Is there anything worse than hating your boss... only to find out that he might be leaving (yay!)... but replaced by someone who is actually a bigger jerkoff than the previous boss?

I didn't think so.


I work full time. 40 plus baby. And I have this ongoing (2 years now) weekend gig doing websites. And I go to school full time, 14 hours. And now I went and signed up for an additional class at another school that I will attend on my lunch hour. How tortured am I?


Bo emailed me today. I haven't heard from him since my breif visit back in January. I haven't been able to bring myself to go to see him in this round of rehab.

I feel neglectful - guilty, even. But it just fucking sucks to visit him in the fucking RESORT that they call a drug treatment center. I mean damn! He has a personal nutritionalist who plans his fucking vegan meals. SO not only does he not have to wake up in the morning and work, he has a fucking cook.

It's not fair, I tell you, NOT fucking fair.

He said that he'd failed a recent drug test and was put on lockdown. But still, in a resort - what is sooo bad about lockdown? Huh? Tell me!

I guess that I am just bitter because I am out here working my sweet ass off, staying clean (or at least trying) and I am cooking my own goddamn dinner too.

When all you have to worry about is -not doing drugs- and you have no other responsibilites in the entire world, how hard is it to "Just say fucking NO"?


And also, a silent note to whoever ate my special japanese candy that my assistant brought in for me that I left on my desk... I hope you choke on it and it gives you explosive diareahh so that you die on the toilet and go to candy-stealing hell...


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