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I think we (the BF and I) might take off to Columbia this weekend with Kenny. I desperately need a little mini-break and so does he.

But the relationship with those two (BF & Kenny) is so fucking weird that I don't know if they are totally serious about going anywhere. They like to play this game that I have never fully understood. It's called "big lie". For example: One will tell the other something like "be ready in 5 minutes because the I am coming by". Then when they get to the other's house - all the lights are turned out and the phone is cut off.

(Also see my "deaning" entry for further explanation.)

And they think that this is just fucking hysterical. I admit that I thought it was the first time that BF did it to Kenny. And the real funny part is that it never fails to work! Man, you'd think that after 2 years of this shit, they wouldn't believe a word that comes out of each other's mouth - but they do. Every freakin time.

I just don't get it.

So my main objectives this weekend if the trip doesn't come together is to clean out the flower bed in the front yard, get incredibly drunk and belligerent, do some laundry, and start planning for this summer's trip to Zion.

I should probably plan to get none of this done except for the drunk part... But hey, "BONUS!" if I do. And I am actually super motivated about planning my trip for the summer. Last time I was there in Zion & the Grand Freakin Canyon, (see the Summer of 98 entry) I spent too much time getting SPUN on acid to really enjoy seeing anything. BUT I swear to God, this time will be different. No drugs, just wine & hiking.

I can't wait.


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