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The BF and I were invited to a 'dinner party' last night at an old friend's house. My friend, Chip (who is by the way, 27 years old) hosted the thingy. He just graduated from culinary school, so needless to say the food was fucking good. But the silence at his house throughout dinner convinced me that he hadn't planned his guest list so well. Just a random group of 17-18 year olds... and then me, BF, & Chip.

The occasion was that some guy, who BF used to be friends with in high school, was getting married to some girl who looked like a guy.

We arrived at the party before anyone else and I got the pleasure of trying to make conversation with this 17-year-old chick that wasn't much into talking. I tried to ask her all the polite questions but all she could say was - "You look familiar...�

Maybe she was intimidated because I am a �grown-up� (haha) and also because of the fact that I look familiar to everyone because up until JUST RECENTLY, I was the little white girl in town who bore a striking resemblance to Bob Marley.

But guess what, not anymore. That's right, I cut out my dreads. (now, congratulate me)

Weird thing is that now nobody knows me anymore... it's like they (the dreadlocks) were their own person and everywhere they went, people stopped to stare or say hello. Now, I am just "some girl" that looks familiar.

I'd like to say that this makes me sad. But I can't because for 5 years it seems as if people only remembered me because of my hair. And that's not sad for them, it's just sad to me because I actually thought it was because of my sparkling personality! Or that I was likable and memorable� not that I had cool hair.


But I digress... Back to the party.

It was just a big group of people who didn't know each other. I spent my evening telling people my name, only to see blank faces - but then to remind them that I "used to have dreadlocks" and then "OH! Hey! Why did you cut your hair? Man, those things were awesome!"

Urg. Whatever. It's just fucking weird that's all.

After dinner we all huddled on Chip's front porch and passed around a one-hitter... the wind was blowing rain all over us and I don't smoke pot anyways, so it sucked.

Some girl told me that she bought a painting of me. I got confused for a second and then remembered Richard. (Dammit!) How odd is it to hear that someone that you don�t even know has a picture of you in her living room? I wasn�t even aware that he had painted my picture�

"Oh, yeah... He painted a few of them..." she said.

Obsess much? I know that he had a massive crush on me (and still does probably), but this was sooo uncomfortable. Even more uncomfortable was that this chick had the painting in her house� So, I went back inside.

And then BF and Chip started "jamming" like a bunch of hippies in Chip's studio and I was once again left alone with all the high school senior girls. They chatted incessantly about school and the upcoming wedding... I sat on the floor with my fingers stuck deep inside my ears and tried to send telepathic messages to BF that it was time to leave.

This is why I don�t socialize.


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