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Hmm.. is today some kind of holiday? There is candy on my desk - but not even the good kind. Tootsie pops. Whoever thought up fucking Tootsie Pops?

Last night we (the fianc� & I) had a massive fight that, for once, I didn't feel like I was winning... I felt more like "Hey, I am really tired of fighting with you, could you please just DIE?" Sorry.

It all started with the fact that he told me that he didn't have any money and that he needed to borrow $10 for "gasandstuff". He then proceeded to come back from the store with 2 miller light double deuces. Oh, really???? Gasnstuff??? I told him that I didn't think that his car would run all that well on beer instead of gasoline. For some reason that simply turned me inside out. Then he switched the television from the show that I was watching (Are You Hot? Which is totally L-A-M-E!!!) to some soft-core porn movie on cinemax. Kenny was there but quickly left when I started bitching about what had just happened.

So - I just went into the bedroom to read. But he couldn't let it go. He decided that he was drunk enough to pass out & stripped down butt-naked to crawl in the bed beside me.

When his drunken approaches were denied, he made the huge mistake of asking me those four DREADED words that most of our fights start with... those words... (da-da-da-dum...) "What's wrong with you?"

PS. Don't ever ask me that unless you really want to know.

And to make matters worse, he kept falling asleep just when I would make a really good point, which was just adding to my hysterics. I could hardly stand it and so I did the really mature thing - I pulled back the covers and pushed him off the bed with both feet. He landed in an awkward, crumpled up position on the floor; covers bunched around his head. And because he didn't immediately move, I thought for a minute that he might just go back to sleep right there on the floor...

He sat up, looking at me with horror... and I asked him if he enjoyed it, and looked him dead in the eye... "YOU FUCKING DILDO!!!"

(Yeah, I am like 12 and a half years old.)

So he gets right up on me, holds my arms, and screams "CUNT!" And I burst out laughing because I can't ever remember being called a "cunt" before. Ha.

And that must have been what really pissed him off because he jumps up and screams that he is leaving. Something inside me said "Don't let the back door hit you in the ass on the way out".

I told him that he should make sure to take all of his things with him because I would surely set fire to them when he was gone.

And then he jerks open a drawer on my dresser hard enough to send everything on top of it tumbling to the carpet. That's when I jump on him from behind like some kind of wacked-out cheerleader and he falls on the ground.

More wrestling ensues.

"If you don't get your elbow out of my back..."


"I will shove your elbow up your ass!"

And then we both started laughing. And I think that is good.

(And we made up for about an hour before falling asleep... )


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