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10:15 AM

Last night I sat bundled up on the sofa because it was fucking freezing inside my house. I swear to god, I might as well be fucking homeless, cause at least homelessness is free. Just this past month I paid my natural gas company over $200 so that I could freeze my ass off?

There I was - watching a movie on Cinemax while dressed in a ski jacket & gloves. I covered my legs with an electric blanket turned on high. The 2 heaters on either end of the house were running on "8" which is as high as they will go. But - Unless you were to be sitting on top of one of them, you would have never guessed that they were even on.

Then I started craving some salt & vinegar potato chips. I asked BF to drive me to the store. He agreed since he was craving ice cream. So we ventured to the store down the street for some junk food.

It was pretty sad that we almost decided to sleep in my car because it got toasty pretty quickly - then BF said something about carbon monoxide poisoning, so we braved the cold of the bedroom.

Funny enough, this morning I woke up butt-naked with my clothes laying on the floor beside the bed. BF, on the other hand, was totally clothed next to me with a snow hat on. When I went to sleep, I had on my clothes... when I wake up, no clothes... Hmmm....

I wonder why I often sabotage my own happiness.

This morning, I heard on the local weather channel that it was minus 10 outside, which was just a few degrees colder than the 5 degrees inside my house. I stumbled into the kitchen to make my morning coffee and saw that in the kitchen sink, the dish-water was frozen. My breath was like a cloud of smoke in the hallway. In other words, it was fucking cold.

As I dressed for work, I decided that a skirt & pantyhose were not going to work. I decided on my fuzzy yellow sweater & jeans. My boss hasn't said anything about the jeans yet, so I assume that it is okay that I wore them.

Fuck this shit. One day I want to work at home where i never have to open my closet. No more drycleaning bills, ironing boards that collapse on my toes, or "matching" pants & shirts. Fuck that.

But considering how cold it is at the house, I am thankful, FOR ONCE in my life, to be at work.


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