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Okay. I shall call him BF.

Fiance sounds too weird and Boyfriend sounds like 'not enough'. BF shall be his name.

BF has promised to take me ice skating today. That should be a trip.

We made a promise to start being more "ACTIVE". Just because I made a comment about how weird his new beer gut looked compared to the rest of his wiry frame. And it does.

Not that I couldn't love a fat person, but a beer gut is a totally different thing... And then I started to think about what he is going to look like 20 years from now. Beer gut and the ring of baldness that he will surely try to cover with the "sweep" of hair. Whew. I need to stop myself.

I think I hurt his feelings.

So, today it was either skating or hiking. And if I am gonna be cold as fuck, I would rather be having fun. Hiking sucks.

I used to skateboard, rollerblade, even skate with the old 4 wheels on each foot - I was pretty good, considering... considering all the injuries I have sustained from putting wheels under my feet.

Here, where I live, we don't see much cold weather. I have seen snow a handful of times, mostly when I was traveling. There are certainly no frozen ponds around for at least 500 miles I am sure, so we will go to an indoor ice skating place in the city.


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