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Today we will play with tiles that my dad stole from the jobsite of some construction company. Lola will help - to break up other shit that we can find around the house and make pretty mosaics...

I am soo fucking bored. I have never had 2 weeks off from work before. Not since high school and that was so very long ago - 8 years now... I never knew it before, but going to work keeps me sane. If I stay out from that place too long, I start doing crafts.

Fucking crafts.

Oh yeah, Clay burned down his house accidentally. The fire apparently started on the basement level where the "studio" was... The studio was filled with hundreds of cans of paint - oil and latex, as well as paint thinner and a bunch of scrap wood. Clay left a candle burning late night and we all know what happened next.

Everyone said that there were "paintings" scattered all up and down the block from where the basement exploded.


It's not THAT funny because now Clay, Laura, & the rest of those guys are basically homeless -but- to see thier crossdressing roomate, Charlie, running from the explosion in his little hippie skirt... man! To just imagine how high one could've gotten from breathing in all those fumes from the burning stash in the spare bedroom...

Like I said, its not funny.

And then Clay is now all depressed because he burned down the house at West Chandler Street. I always hated that house anyways...


I threw out the Christmas tree last night. Stand and all, laying by the curb. I am aware that they won't pick it up unless that stand is removed...

Boyfriend got his Christmas present from Stacey yesterday - a mushroom chocolate - that had been sitting in her freezer for over a year. Apparently it was still good, cause BF just sat on the sofa all night giggling. I took him to the store twice, taking the long route each time for torture...

It's been a good long time since I tripped but I still remember not liking to be in the car or in a store with bright flourecent lighting.

"I am ev-il, like the fru-its of the dev-il."

I can't understand why he insists on just watching tv all night. Everynight. I am going crazy in this house. Help.


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