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I forgot that my boss isn't here for the rest of the week and so I got to work on time. Bah. I could've just slid in at anyoldtime - I am the only person in the whole building, I think. It's freaking quiet...

My car finally "broke" yesterday. No headlights, no blinkers, and that smell - hopefully, with Christmas here and everything, it won't be too expensive to fix. And by expensive I mean like over $5... ha.

Everybody seems to have an opinion about it too. Is everybody a fucking machanic now??

But my mom let me drive her brand new car, so I am happy. To have heat - nice.

Anyways, I can't get over how quiet it is here.

My boss told me to "bring a book" for the next few days... what he doesn't know is that I will instead just spend all my time on the internet. I love it. Cause I have been SO FUCKING busy for the past 2 weeks that I hardly get the chance to just fuck off anymore...


I have a little time to think about things here. Now. About going to my dad's house for holiday. About not really wanting to. About not being able to because of the car-not-working-factor.

About Boyfriend asking me to MARRY him. About the fact that he is getting an engagement ring for me for Christmas. About the fact that shit is just all messed up.


Because I wasn't home when he got there yesterday, as usual, he went over to "Diddie's" house... I decided to stop by... I just always have the sneaking suspicion that he is cheating on me.. Like when someone called for him THERE while I was there, and how he tried to play it off because he used to live with Diddie and people still call him at that number. Whatever. He lies.

I asked him if he got the email that I sent and he said no. But I know he did because - well - I was nosy - and I just accidently logged into the email - whoops! Oh, there is my email marked "read"... So then later he talks about something that someone emailed him. Busted.

I hate boys. Especially lying boys. Like they aren't bad enough without lies.


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