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You fucking bastard.

You stupid bitchhole.

"My DADDY says that I have to go to the company Christmas party tonight."


"And only employees can go."

"So your dad is going to leave his SLUT OF THE WEEK at home?"

"No, but he is the boss of the company so he can bring someone if he wants."

"So what about all the employees who have husbands and wives? "

"Well, I guess that they can bring them."

"So what you are saying is that ONLY I am not invited."

"Well, DADDY says that since I am going to take over the company one day that I have to go."

"Is this the same Daddy that said that I was like a daughter to him?"

"Why do you always get all mad & pouty when I want to do something?"

"Why do you act like such a selfish BASTARD?"

"Fine, I won't go. I don't want to fight with you."

"Of course you do. Otherwise you would have told your stupid DADDY that you wouldn't go to a fucking party that your fucking girlfriend of 3 years wasn't invited to."

"I said I won't go."

"Fuck you."


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