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I think that its a good thing that I get bored at work. It's like, I would be bored anyways at home, but now I am bored and PAID to be bored. The only downfall of my boredom at work is amazon.com. And turning into a grumpy-old-behind-the-desk sort of lady that everyone dreads...

You know the one.

But here I go, and I take the first step... Yes, I did it.

I did the ultimate old-lady thing. I bought a bag of those old-lady peppermints and put them in a little old-lady candy jar on my desk.

Is this what I have become? Trading recipies with these old bitches at work. "Oh, here is my super-duper bean-salad recipie, I'll trade you for your tropical cheesecake!"

Oh, fucking A, man. They are starting to compliment my outfits. And HUG me.

I don't like it when co-workers HUG me. It's just not right.

Don't get me wrong, I am thankful to be gainfully employed at a semi-easy job. I just pray that I am not sitting in this same room 20 years from now with my boobs in my lap and arthritis in my fingers.


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