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I am at a loss for words here...

Boyfriend charged a membership to a porn site onto my credit card... oh, wait... "he doesn't REMEBER if he did it or not".

I think that if I REALLY couldn't remember whether or not I took my girlfriend's credit card out of her purse, went to my father's house, logged onto the computer, entered in all the correct billing information, and bought a membership to "ebony pearls"... well, if I couldn't remember whether I had done that or NOT - I would seriously consider going to a doctor.

That is such complete and UTTER bullshit.

And it's not like I have a reason to doubt that he didn't do this... You see, a year and a half ago I had a satellite with pay-per-view channels. Guess what? After I got my first bill (for $489) I noticed that there were an awful lot of movies purchased while I was at work... HMMM???? So I call the satellite provider and inquire as to why these charges had appeared on my bill. The operator proceeds to inform me that I had supposedly purchased about 20 movies that month at $10 a pop... and apparently I had a thing for Latino women. I SERIOUSLY DON'T REMEBER PURCHASING 20 PORNO MOVIES - and I don't remember giving anyone else my password... Oh, wait... Maybe... Boyfriend??

Of course he denied it. (Who would admit to watching "Afro Whores" twice in one day?) So he swears that it wasn't him and that he was outraged that "someone" would do something like that to me...

Yeah, right...

I am so fucking confused... I feel like he should pay for what he has done... I wish that I could be objective about this - URGGHHH!


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