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I am at home.

I had to leave work because I wasn't feeling good. (translation: I got my period and if I had to answer one more stupid-ass question about registration I was gonna go crazy-raging-bitch on somebody) I just told my boss that I ate Arby's for lunch. (not a lie) And that it was messing with me. (still not a lie) And that I was gonna call my assistant in from her day off and she would cover the office. (big lie)

Like I am going to call someone in on their day off. If Allison is anything like me, she is naked and drunk on her day off and unfit to come into the building.

So here I am, deciding whether to go to class tonight or eat chocolate chunk ice cream and drink a little sumpin-sumpin. Hmmm... English doesn't sound so good right now.

I just wish Boyfriend would get home already so that I can get some sympathy... and maybe a foot massage.

At least this explains why I have been in an emotional knot for the past week. PMS, baby... I claim PMfuckinS. Back off, I am one cranky bleeding bitch.


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