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This entry is more for my sanity than for anyone's reading pleasure... If you read my diary, you might want to skip this one... Its a long one. But if I don't put something here, I might find myself talking to the roaches.

One of them tried to take a shower with me Wednesday morning... I felt something on my back and with soap on my face, turned to face my back towards the water. When I opened my eyes- there he was at my feet. Mr. Big-Ass-Ugly-Flying Roach. I screamed for my life trying to turn off the shower and jump out. As soon as the water was off, he came for me. It must have been my new Freesia shampoo... He FUCKING FLEW into my face and I ran through the house butt-naked screaming my ass off. Boyfriend, who was awakened by the commotion, grabbed the baseball bat [I keep one under the bed, because I am scared of guns] and ran to the rescue. When I pointed out the intruder {{ a roach }} Boyfriend quickly pounded him into submission with the baseball bat. He was pretty pissed that I had made such a big deal out of it.

"I thought somebody was trying to kill you! It's just a goddamn roach!"

I guess so, but when one is in the shower with you, it just doesn't seem right.

I don't know what else to do about the whole thing. The roaches that share my house are way too big to fit into the normal-sized roach motels that I bought. I need like a roach super-hotel. And I think that they actually enjoy being sprayed with Raid. Its like roach aromatherapy.


Boyfriend left today for South Carolina where his grandfather is dying. I wanted to go and be there with him but shit is just not practical. He will be staying for an undetermined amount of time and I can't commit to that with school and work.

But I already fucking miss him soooo much.

Just to have someone around you day and night for 3 years and then to be alone... and the house is so silent without him here. I am tempted to put on some of his Tecnical Itch records and snuggle up with his hoodie. But I can be way stupid sometimes.

As soon as he went out the door this morning, I started making phone calls, hopeful that someone wanted company - but I got 5 or 6 answering machines and gave up... I even called my mother, who was busy and couldn't talk very long.

Yesterday we went shopping together, my mother and I. She took me into an art dealer and let me pick out part of my Christmas presents... I got some really beautiful abstract paintings (3) that will be custom framed for my living room wall. I am praying that someone gives me a good digital camera... hint. hint.


So Halloween was Thursday... Lola showed up at my house dressed like a witch to help hand out candy. This is the first time I have ever lived in a neighborhood where people trick-or-treat... The last house I lived in was in the fucking ghetto- where nobody even slows down, much less get out of their cars and ring the doorbell.

So there were about a half-a-million small children crowded on my front porch and after the candy was gone they recieved things from my kitchen. Swiss cake Rolls and packets of hotsauce from Taco Bell.


I just wasn't prepared.


Kenny said he would "hang-out" with me this weekend. Boyfriend got all paranoid that we would be alone in the house together... what the fuck ever. He is always super paranoid about me getting with his friends.

A few months ago his best friend tried to hit on me, and even went as far as to buy me a beautiful jade bracelet. (Which I hated to refuse) And things are still fucked up between them...

I love him way too much to ever cheat on him, especially with one of his friends!!!

I just want some company!


I think that Lola & I will try to find mischeif tonight. I miss hanging out with girlfriends...

I am rambling, now. I will shutup.


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