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I always get the feeling that I have already said what I am going to say.



And especially lately, the whole de-ja-vu thing is almost irritating. Well, entirely irritating. Oh, but aren't I the drama queen?

Tonight I promise myself that I will both start and finish (in that particular order) the "narrative essay" that was assigned 3 weeks ago, and I have yet to think about... Who wants to write some silly essay about "something that changed my life forever"... I am JUST pissed because I can't be ordered to write on a specific topic! Except if I am told to write about how much my life sucks & then -- I could go on and on...

Perhaps I shall write about how much smoking weed & dropping acid changed my life. Because it did.

I have a feeling that is not what my teacher meant... She wants us to write about that one episode of the Scarydoll Show where we all learned a positive moral message...

I might write about all the stuff that has been brewing the past few months. The whole famn-damily. The big ol drama. That way, I won't feel tempted to talk about it anymore here in my diary.


Kenny got another DUI on Saturday night, this time while driving Boyfriend's daddy's Lincoln in another state... & Bo is eagerly awaiting my letters...

I am such white-trash... I don't seem to know ANYONE that hasn't been in jail- is in jail- or who is going to jail, and to me, that is what being ghetto is all about. That and slammin cadillac doors... sorry.

SORRY. I know I don't make sense sometimes.


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