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I had the best sleep last night... the kind of sleep where you wake up in the exact same position that you fell asleep in... all with the pillow marks on your face & your arm is tingly and asleep from laying on it all night. And it tingles so bad that it fucking hurts...

The kind of sleep where you just close your eyes for a second & its over...

Yes, I have been sleeping like that a lot lately...

Yes, I haven't drank ANYTHING since I was sick last week, though that bottle of tequila greets me every time I open the freezer door. I bet it is feeling a bit neglected. Instead of the bottle, I now have this unnatural relationship with Blockbuster Video... I would rather watch movies than anything else...


Lex called sunday... we talked for about 45 minutes long distance & then I let her go... It sucks that she can't find a job in NY. She has a degree in art history and psychology, yet can't even land a waitressing job in Manhattan... Turns out that you have to have a resume to be a waitress. You have to have a resume to do anything.

She and Sara are going to start their own painting company. Then maybe if it takes off, I'll move there & paint...


Bo is in jail again. Laura called just now to tell me about his visiting hours. He failed his piss test again & is now looking at 6 months.


I shall leave early for lunch and come back late and pretend that I only took an hour... I will spend my day pretending that I am working on a new expenses spreadsheet, when in fact I will be cruising ebay, amazon, & diaryland. I will follow this schedule:

8-9:00 am: check email, drink coffee, shuffle papers around on desk, pretend to "file"

9-9:30 am: walk upstairs twice, make conversation with the painters in the hallway

9:30-10:30 am: pretend to work on spreadsheet, write an entry for scarydoll, eat a muffin from the breakroom

10:30-11:30 am: stare at computer screen or my desk

11:30-12:45 pm: extended lunch break

12:45-2:00 pm: play computer games with the sound cut off, surf ebay, read diaries

2:00- 2:10 pm: work

2:10- 3:30 pm: more email checks, games, & shuffling papers

3:30pm: sneak out early


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