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I really just don't have a chance to freaking write in this thing much anymore.

I spent the weekend drinking and painting cabinets, which by the way, isn't the best idea I have ever had. Note to self... paint thinner has toxic fumes which makes one drunker than usual...

I slept (read: passed the fuck out) on the kitchen floor all curled up with my little freshly painted cabinets.

My new paint job looks like shit & will have to be re-done.


I watched the best movie - "Haiku Tunnel" on Saturday... Josh = Me!


B has called every day for the past week to say that he is on his way over. & he just never shows up... He has to go to rehab AGAIN for another month. It's either that or jail- he got a choice. Because apparently its illegal to do drugs & then get caught on your weekly piss test...

& I hate his phone calls that start out like "hey doll, can you do me a favor?" - it makes me want to scream... No, I don't want to do you a favor, but you are going to ask me anyways.

And then--- Kenny was telling me about this crazy drunk-ass hippie dude that he saw at trivia night. The dude was drinking beer out of Wes's hiking boot (just like that Pharcyde song).

The dude was B.

Kenny said that B looked like Charles Manson.


I guess that "the boyfriend" now lives with me. He has left his toothbrust in my bathroom and has his own closet in which to hang his clothing.

I sometimes waver between being madly in love with boyfriend, and wanting to smother boyfriend in his sleep. But its the madly in love times that make it all worth while! *sigh* Plus the "scrumpin'" is way good...


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