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I arrived at the party Friday- a very fashionable 2 hours late. All the faculty that I work with, by this time, had already consumed all of the lasagna and liqour... and they were "line-dancing" and being ridiculous...

Needless to say I left early.

Then on Saturday, "boyfriend"'s mother hit on one of our friends and has now caused herself to be kicked out of the father's house. Geez.

I could tell that this hurt "boyfriend". Now everyone knows that his mother is a whore.

I have said this before... This family is weird. Earlier that evening, as we sat around the dinner table, "boyfriend"'s mother was already plastered. (And I was the only one at the table who drank sweet tea instead of Michelob.) I tried to pull "boyfriend" aside and tell him tactfully that I wished to leave... but he is hard to take a hint and I ended up just blurting it out.

"I'm out."


"I'm sick to my stomach." (not a lie)

"So lay down."

"No, I want to leave!"


"Cause I don't feel good."

Everyone pretends that nothing happened. "Boyfriend" continues to eat his baked potato and "boyfriend's" dad lights up a cigarette...

After a couple of hours, coincidently, I honestly became sick. I don't know if I made myself sick or what, but I started running a fever and having stomach cramps.

I spent the rest of the weekend in bed.

And round and round we go...


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