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So plain, & so groggy... like I have been asleep for the past 2 weeks. I remember the days when I couldn't sleep without a shot of nyquil... & now I'm falling asleep if I sit still too long. I would like to think that the reason that I am sleeping so much is because of some unexpected growth-spurt that will shift my vertical measurement up a couple of inches. But no, I am 23 and i think I have probably stopped growing upwards by now. Plus- that would be a good thing & I always like to rule out positive and focus on the rare & weird diseases that could cause all this sleep.

It could be that maybe I am just really bored.

Usually when I am bored I clean something.

Which seems to be all the time. Which is my my house is usually immaculate. I sometimes find myself straightening the tassels on my kitchen rug. Or arranging my closet by type & color. But I haven't felt much like cleaning lately... I have been sleeping too much to bother with it - I drink out of the same coffee cup every morning & I don't even have on any underwear because I don't have any clean ones.

But I digress...

It's not like things in my life are boring- for a few months now, they have been ever-changing.

But it could be my mother.

It usually is.

She drives me to do pathetic things... and I still haven't told her that I am dating Boyfriend again. It's really driving me insane because I know just what she will say. It's so pathetic. At my age, & my mother can still make me feel like I am 16 again.

Quote of the day:
"If you ever get caught in the underbrush and you are in your underwear, don't stop & start thinking of all the words that start with 'under'. Because that's when jungle-madness sets in."


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