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Alexis had a huge blow-out crazy going-away party last nite...at MJQ downtown....they rented the entire thing out from 10-2... & by the way, Boyfriend- you were wrong... she called TWICE to see why I wasn't there yet... I used the old "ItsrainingMycarsucksIdontfeelgoodBoyfriendwontdrivemeMylifesucks" excuse... cause I just never really intended to go...

Halfway hoping that Boyfriend would just insist that we go and also kind of hoping she would offer to drive all the way out to c-town & get me...

But really - we both know that it won't be the last time I see her (forever)... And besides, its weird that I still call her my best friend, anyways. We live an hour & a half away, we hardly ever communicate by phone or otherwise unless there is some special reason. So what's the difference if she's further away???

And I know that it's just gonna be like that forever. One day she will be all famous & I'll read about it in some magazine & say to someone "yeah, that's my best friend" "haven't talked to her in 20 years" I've just accepted that it's impossible to be best friends with someone forever...

It's just hard to accept that friends grow apart.



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