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last night was just fucking weird...

I went over to bo's & we went to the corner to get some nachos & when it gets time to pay, bo remembers that he doesn't have any money. so once again i pick up the tab. then on the way back to his house he's all like "let's rent a movie" and im like "whatever, dude! are U gonna pay for it?" so then the convo changes- he starts talking about his GF, lex, and how he told her that Boyfriend & i broke up and that i had jokingly said that i was gonna become a lesbian. (hehehe) and she said that if i was serious that i should give her a call... oh, my god. why does he feel that it's nessesary to tell me these things? i guess he thinks that its funny... yeah, haha... and so then he says that lex hinted that she'd fucked Boyfriend a long time ago... hmmmm... if i knew that was true (and i wouldn't tell bo this) i would seriously get tested for some nasty s.t.d's

we go to watch a movie back at tuggle street- manhunter - and then right in the middle of it, this guy j.t.. calls my cell cause apparently i had randomly gave my number to him. we talked for about 15 minutes. then he said "bye, baby" like he was my BF... i wish Boyfriend acted like that... so really, at this point i am just waiting on my boy to call but -NO- Boyfriend didn't even call once to say whether or not he was coming home. so i was preoccupied all night with thoughts of how he was off with some girl, or dead, or whatever. and how last time he went to NC he didn't call for like 5 days & then when i finally went to his house.. all those thoughts, & me trying to watch this fucked up movie.... so everytime the phone rang i would feel relief and then be mad cause it wasn't him...

so at about midnight i left bo's house cause i was so tired of waiting & it was fucking so foggy that i couldn't hardly see the road... then right there, in the middle of the lane, was the biggest,fattest, ugliest opposum and SPLAT! i didn't even brake. it made the worst sound... like i hit him with all 4 tires or something. urghhh...

and now i am just waking from a night filled with dreams of Boyfriend & opposums (ha) but feeling all weird cause he STILL hasn't called and thinking that if he does-


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