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Clippets of thought:

I'm lovin it - Diaryland looks so "blogger" now.

I almost didn't come here to write because I couldn't remember the password. Then it hit me. I haven't changed it EVER. Ha. Cannot believe that I have been writing here (even though it's sporadic throughout 2006-present) for like 6 YEARS!!!

If you are reading this, go back into the archives and read a little bit from 2002 or 2003. Then say to yourself "Hey, you know what? This girl is married and has a one year old child now." It'll blow your little mind.

And my sweet baby? He's swell. I never imagined myself as someone's mother - seriously, go back & read some of the shit I spewed right here in this very diary for years. I hope that my child can someday appreciate the mistakes that I made in my life without making them himself... but isn't that every parent's wish for the kids?

I wonder who of my buddylist is still here? Benny, I think you are... maybe Becky? Rhonda? De? I don't know... Nikki?


To recap this year...

It snowed. I got employed. I found my neighbor's dead body (long story for later)I got all my hair cut off. I took my little man-baby to have some surgery at the children's hospital. We visited GA and my GA visited me. Haha. My little man walked, turned one, and said "mama".

I love this diary.


Copyright � ME 2002 - 2012 (like you care)