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So the first ultrasound was wrong. This baby is a BOY. And there I was settled (nearly) on a girl's name and the general idea of girl baby things. Because of some sort of abnormality in the kidneys that was spotted in the 18th week ultrasound, I was sent to Charlotte for a level II ultrasound in order to check the progression (if any) of the problem. Turns out that the kidney thing has corrected itself - great! - also turns out that my baby boy was "hiding the candy" a few weeks ago.

We're in month 7 now. Fab. Just 2 more months to go... and it couldn't go fast enough if it tried.

So now it's almost like I'm getting a whole new baby. Like now I am referring to that spastic person living in my abdomen as HE or HIM. Example: HE is trying to kick straight out of my skin. -or- I already love HIM more than I have ever loved anyone or anything.



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