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I lie. I can't leave my dear diaryland, not even for the seduction of figuring out LiveJournal - though I do like the features there better (besides the lack of photo hosting). So I will try to post images here and remote link them? I don't know if I can do that since my diary is locked though - we'll see.

I promised pictures of my craftiness (i.e. extreme use of spare time).

Beastie Boys (shrine) Journal

All I had was the record cover - no album inside. Sucky? No. Cause I took that beat-up cover with it's random holes and such, cut out the parts where some fool wrote phone numbers on... bitches! That's like using the holy bible to write your grocery list on. BAH!

Record Bowls

Two bowls made out of old scratched LPs - melted them in the oven at 300 degrees and shaped into bowls... (And yes, those are jelly beans in the bowl.)

CD Coasters

These coasters made out of old scratched CDs - covered with my photography, clear coated, glued some beads and clear flat marbles around them, used scrabble letters as the bottom "cork"...

Shiny Pillows & lamp-shade cover

I have to admit that these didn't turn out like they were supposed to. I made these two pillows out of some shiny material and had BF stuff them with super-soft filling from his shop. Then with the lamp cover - that's just an old lady crochet shawl. Not exactly crafty.

Animal Box

Just a plain old box that cost like 50 cents, painted with acrylics, lined with fuzzy material.

That's all the pictures that I got so far, but trust that there are more to come. I can feel your excitement.



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