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"Ooops, I did it again." Hahaha. Last night I took a bunch more xanax and ended up in the biggest craft-shit-vortex in the world - Michaels. I talked my Neighbor into riding with me. He didn't seem to notice my spacy-ness and played DJ in my new car. I think I will take him along with me shopping more often.

Anyway. I bought about $30 worth of "supplies" cause I had the brilliant idea of making some christmas presents for the dland world. I even bought little bubble packing envelopes to send them in. So if I have your mailing address, you're gonna get some cheesy stuff for christmas this year! And if I don't have your correct address, then somebody else is gonna get a weird package in the mail and be like "what the fuck?". So leave me a note or email me - scarydoll (at) diaryland (dot) com

HAHAHAHA. I "sleigh" myself! Hahaha. I am cheesy when it comes to the holidays.

But I must say that the crafts have turned out better than I expected (read: not all fucked up because I was fucked up) and I had to keep a couple for myself. So today it's off to Michaels again to get more supplies.

The only problem being that I used glue and under the lamplight & xanax haze I didn't realize that I accidently glued newspaper to my coffee table.


Break out the cleaning supplies.


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