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Songs that give me chills:
1. "The Rain Song" Led Zeppelin
2. "Sweet Jane" by Cowboy Junkies
3. "Exit Music for a Film" by Radiohead
4. "Angel" Jimi Hendrix
5. "Redemption Song" Bob Marley

So I spent yesterday in a conference that was designed specifically for "professional women". I kept looking around at the professional women and wondering if they knew how unprofessional I looked on the weekends when I was drunk or that my socks had holes in the toes or that my watch doesn't work (for the past 6 months) and that I am too lazy to get a new battery. I wonder if they also hem their pants with double-sided tape or eat nothing but white rice for a week straight cause it's the only food item in their house. I wonder if they watch the clock - screaming inside their heads for the end of the day, or spend their entire workday shopping on Amazon?

Probably not. We're talking about grown-ups here.

I don't feel so grown up at all. I will be 25 in February! That means that I have to get cracking on that list of things I was supposed to accomplish by age 25... The only thing that I have done that I expected I'd do was to do a lot of drugs, travel around the country, and make a lot of stupid mistakes. Oh, wait - that's the wrong list.

Anyways, there were 5 or 6 or 7 different speakers at this conference thing. One lady that talked in similes - everything she said. One that talked about vegetables. One that talked about dealing with a "Crisis Situation" at work. Jesus. The only Crisis I can think of at the place I work is running out of coffee or something. Can we waste our government's money or what? As I was trying to sneak out early, I dropped my purse and (since it was open) everything went shooting out all over the polished floor - under tables and people's feet - making sure that I didn't leave unannounced.


I rushed to get to work a little early this morning since I was gone all day yesterday and I am taking some leave time this afternoon. I admit, I did it so that my boss would see that I was in early & take note that I am not a "Type X" worker (knowledge from the conference yesterday). Instead I find a note that says he won't be in till after lunch. Crappy. Here I am all early, and he's not around to appreciate it.

But it's not all bad.... nope. Since I have no boss breathing down my neck, I can finally catch up on dland & my email.

There's always a silver lining. Most of the time in the Middle Ages it was probably real bad being stuck down in a dungeon. But some days, when there was a bad storm outside, you'd look out your little window and think, "Boy, I'm glad I'm not out in that."


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