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My computer monitor is making a buzzing noise. It's really quite annoying.

I spent ALL DAY yesterday on car lots. And that was after spending ALL DAY Saturday on car lots as well. I actually drove one car home Saturday night just to take it back to the dealer on Sunday.

I hate car sales people. Seriously. And I thought it would be better to take my mother with me on Sunday instead of listening to BF complain about shit, but she was absolutely no help. She doesn't know anything and BF knows too much. Either way, I have to listen to one of them ask a lot of questions.

For now, I have temporarily given up. I cannot find the car that I want for my price range. (ie. a car that I like, that BF thinks is a good running car, and that my mother thinks is a good deal.) I still have a rental until Thursday, and then I can drive my mother's car over the weekend.

God I wish that I didn't need a car. That money I've been saving looks a lot better in the bank than it does in a heap of metal...


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