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I was offered the big PROMOTION yesterday afternoon. I felt all flattered with the words (words) they were throwing around� 18 interviewed, highest ranked candidate (me), etc. Yeah, I was feeling real good. Then � we discussed salary, and I started laughing because I sincerely thought that they were joking! For real. When I finally stopped laughing, I graciously declined (it wasn�t quite so elegant as that) and excused myself from the boardroom.

Then I giggled in the hallway, because I felt so good about myself. Hahaha.


The night before last, I was sitting in class drawing & writing on my big yellow legal pad. My teacher was going on and on about voltage while I was drawing little radio towers and stars and squiggly lines and such. Suddenly, I said something out loud. It shocked ME more than anyone else because my face flushed and I felt my breath quicken. Shock! All eyes on me. The teacher was having to re-explain binary code to someone in the front row (who shouldn�t be this far along in the CS program) and I said �Everything is zeros and ones.� It made sense to me, but why can�t I remember to use the inside voice? I wasn�t even really talking about binary code, which is why I flushed � but the teacher just said �Yes, it�s all zeros and ones.�

Yes, that�s really all �it� is�


Rob the neighbor has been trying to force me to read Dune. I told him that I don�t read fiction, especially that of a science fiction/fantasy type. And especially one that has been made into a movie more than once.

So he offered to read it to me. Haha.

And at last I agreed - laying on the sofa with my eyes closed, Rob reading passages from Dune, me halfway listening� not to the story, but to his voice. I decided that he would make a good Kindergarten teacher. I don�t mean that in a derogatory sense at all, just that he enunciates his words, and has that comforting tone about his voice. But that stubborn part of me still refuses to even listen to someone else read Dune, and so I just dozed.


The BF & I are planning our wedding this weekend. We do not want a church wedding, nor do we want to go to the courthouse. I think that a happy medium between the two � possibly at this old mill near our house... maybe.


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