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mmmmkay. I guess that I didn't mention that I was having surgery. It's not a big deal really... more of a pain in the ass. And I don't want to jinx myself by talking about the details of it...

The really cool part is that I am sitting at home right now, not working, not doing anything at all. The uncool part is that I cannot EAT or DRINK anything (including alcoholic beverages) till Thursday night after said surgery is over. And then I will only be able to eat 'clear' foods such as fucking jello - like that is really a food. Bummer. And it can't even be red jello. It has to be clear. What the fuck? Clear fucking jello?

Okay, end jello rant.

The only thing that I want to do when I am not eating is to DRINK, and my little fast is not working with that agenda.


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